Allwinner Bootloader

<1> Info
The Allwinner A10, A13, A20 and A31 boot as noted over several places, BROM is the first step in booting and is baked into chip itself. Moving from the BROM, Allwinner boots something called boot0 and boot1 from NAND. The magicvalue for the AllWinner bootloader in various places is ‘eGON’ and thus the bootloader shall be known as such.
<2> eGON.BRM
The BROM bootloader has been extracted from the chip and can be found in hno’s repository.. The magic signature is “eGON.BRM”. The BROM seems to start at 0×4000. If the BROM has identified boot0 in NAND loads and executes it.
<2.1> Header
u32, Jump to address
8 * u8, Magic “eGON.BRM” (no \n)
u32, length
4 * u8, Boot_vsn
4 * u8, eGON_vsn
8 * u8, platform information
<3> eGON.BT0
<3.1> public header
u32, Jump to address
8 * u8, Magic “eGON.BT0” (no \n)
32u, checksum for boot0
32u, length for boot0
32u, header size of boot0
4 * u8, header version
4 * u8, Boot_vsn
4 * u8, eGON_vsn
8 * u8, platform information
<3.2> private header
u32, header size
4 * u8, header version
boot_dram_para_t, DRAM parameters
s32, uart port
2 * normal_gpio_cfg,
s32, enable_jtag (0 off, 1 on)
5 * normal_gpio_cfg, jtag_gpio
32 * normal_gpio_cfg, storage_gpio
u8 * 512 – (32 * sizeof(normal_gpio_cfg)), storage_data
<3.3> Loading from MMC
Brom loads boot0 from nand or mmc and then chainloads boot1 from mmc. Examine the assembly source, it appears that
1. SD driver ressembles a very close similarity with u-boot’s sunxi-mmc driver. So it’s extremly likly those are identical
2. A SDcard is selected and checked if it is a valid card slot
3. SD/MMC reader is initialized
4. Read 2 (1 kiB) sectors starting from sector 38192 on the SD and check this against the magic value “eGON.BT1” (no \n)
5. Read the length stored in the header and check if it is the proper size (aligns in blocks of 512)
6. Read boot1 from the SD card using the length found
7. Verify the checksum of boot1
8. set eGON_vsn (even if it failed the checksum)
9. Close the SD Card
<4> eGON.BT1
<4.1> public header
u32, Jump to address
8 * u8, Magic “eGON.BT1” (no \n)
32u, checksum for boot0
32u, length for boot0
32u, header size of boot0
4 * u8, header version
4 * u8, Boot_vsn
4 * u8, eGON_vsn
8 * u8, platform information
<4.2> private header
u32, header size
4 * u8, header version
s32, uart port
2 * normal_gpio_cfg, UART gpio config
boot_dram_para_t, DRAM parameters
32k * u8, script_buf (fex)
boot_core_para_t, boot core parameters
s32, twi_port
2 * normal_gpio_cfg, twi gpio config
s32, debug enable (0 off, 1 on)
s32, hold_key_min
s32, hold_key_max
u32, work_mode
u32, storage_type (0 = nand, 1 = sdcard, 2 = SPI-NOR
32 * normal_gpio_cfg, storage_gpio
u8 * 512 – (32 * sizeof(normal_gpio_cfg)), storage_data

== BROM / ffff0000.s =

ffff0000: ea000008 b reset ; reset
ffff0004: ea000006 b unimplemented ; _undefined_instruction
ffff0008: ea000005 b unimplemented ; _software_interrupt
ffff000c: ea000004 b unimplemented ; _prefetch_abort
ffff0010: ea000003 b unimplemented ; _data_abort
ffff0014: ea000002 b unimplemented ; _not_used
ffff0018: ea000003 b irq ; _irq
ffff001c: ea000000 b unimplemented ; fiq
ffff0020: ea000005 b fel
setup ; FEL

ffff0024: eafffffe b unimplemented

#define BROM 0xffff4000

ffff0028: e59ff110 ldr pc, =BROM

ffff002c: e24ee004 sub lr, lr, #4
ffff0030: e92d5fff push {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, fp, ip, lr}
ffff0034: eb00073c bl interrupt_handler
ffff0038: e8fd9fff ldm sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, fp, ip, pc}^

ffff003c: e3a020d2 mov r2, #210 ; 0xd2


void memset(r0 = dest, r1 = value, r2 = size);
ffff0174: e92d4030 push {r4, r5, lr}
ffff0178: e1a03000 mov r3, r0
ffff017c: ea000000 b 0xffff0184
ffff0180: e4c31001 strb r1, [r3], #1
ffff0184: e1b04002 movs r4, r2
ffff0188: e2422001 sub r2, r2, #1
ffff018c: 1afffffb bne 0xffff0180
ffff0190: e8bd8030 pop {r4, r5, pc}

ffff014c: e92d4070 push {r4, r5, r6, lr}
ffff0150: e1a03000 mov r3, r0
ffff0154: e1a04001 mov r4, r1
ffff0158: ea000001 b 0xffff0164
ffff015c: e4d45001 ldrb r5, [r4], #1
ffff0160: e4c35001 strb r5, [r3], #1
ffff0164: e1b05002 movs r5, r2
ffff0168: e2422001 sub r2, r2, #1
ffff016c: 1afffffa bne 0xffff015c
ffff0170: e8bd8070 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc}